Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day Two - Truro to Okehampton

Quote of the day - Bob 'Not another amazing hill! They must grow them in Cornwall'

Our cyclemeter app showed a total ascent of 4688 feet today and it certainly felt like it!

We had great plans to start early this morning. There was even some talk of being away by eight although in the end due to a combination of a very chatty and sociable breakfast with our hosts Jill and Trev (Thanks once again guys, you were fantastic, Trev your toast was excellent!) and a downpour of major proportions including a few claps of thunder we eventually got going around 10.30.

Details of today's route can be found here.

Bob was highly impressed with how good the road surfaces are in Cornwall compared to back home in Bristol. (well at least he was happy with one aspect of the day ;) ) Karl said that Bob was able to inspect the road surfaces because he was going so slowly...

The rain had dried up and we had a southerly breeze helping us along. (well at least it wasn't in our faces!)

After a long morning we made it to Liskeard where our newly sign written support vehicle was waiting along with some comfy chairs and fresh local steak pasties. Bob commented later that without those pasties and one of Olive's rock cakes the day might not have ended up as successfully as it did!

The afternoon continued in the same vein with the majority of the hills appearing to go 'up'. There was some excitement with narrow lanes and oncoming cars but in the end everyone made it to our overnight stop just outside Okehampton.

A trip down into Okehampton itself found us in an excellent pub with huge plates of food all round together with a sample of local Devon beers and ciders. Needless to say we all slept very soundly!

Onwards to Karl's tomorrow at Edington. Slightly longer in distance but fingers crossed not so much 'up'.

Thanks for reading. Live long and prosper.


  1. I was great to have you all stay with us, hope the pasty lived up to expectations. May the force be with you. Love, Jill and Trev.

  2. bob said the pasty was excellent! We all agreed ;)
