Friday 20 May 2011

Day Twelve - Muir of Ord to Melvich

Today's route can be found here

This morning started bright with sunshine with the occasional showers but very windy. Fortunately the wind was from the West or South West so not directly in our faces.

We left our B&B lodgings and drove back to our finish point from yesterday near Alness. 

It was decided to avoid the main road route using the A9 and head north on the B9176 towards Kinkardine and Bonar bridge.  This was an excellent quiet road but quite hilly and lots of bends (think Top Gear road tests in Scotland and you'll get the picture). 

We then continued to head north along a single track road with passing places which was really really remote with nothing but heather and sheep for miles and miles.  We'll upload some pictures but doubt if they can really convey the size of the landscape.

At Altnaharra we turned right and headed along the side of Loch Naver and a very pretty ride following the route of the river Naver all the way to the North coast at Bettyhill. 

The final push to the B&B at Melvich was extremely hilly with a nasty side wind. Pete counted 3 hills but the cyclists think there was at least five. (you think they would be used to them by now!)

We found a pub called the Strathy Inn just a couple of miles up the road and guess what? Thursday night is curry night ;). Actually when we arrived we doubled the size of the crowd in the pub and that included the landlord and his wife!  We had a very warm welcome and nice food so it was a good end to the day.

Under 40 miles to go now so the end is in site.  (Bob says that he is retiring from bikes without an engine after tomorrow!)

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