Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day Nine - Glasgow to Crianlarich

Today's route can be found here.

Today started windy and wet and just kept raining!  We left Glasgow and headed into the area known as Loch Lomond and the Trossachs.  The plan for today was basically to follow the A82 up the side of Loch Lomond and get as far as we could.

In the end after two punctures on Karl's front wheel we discovered that his front tyre was deformed (he must have been riding too fast ;) ). (Yes, we did use the wheel which you lent to us, Pete! - Thank you Mr Penwarden!).

Lunch courtesy of Greggs the bakers was had sheltering from the rain under some nearby trees at the village of Tarbet situated on the edge of Loch Lomond.

We had decided to look for accommodation near Crianlarich and then see how far we felt like cycling.  All of the B&B's were full and the only option was a shed with three sets of bunks in it which the pub laughingly called it's 'Bunkhouse'. In the end we decided to send Karl into the posh hotel in the village looking like a drowned rat.  Result! One family room and extra bedding for the same cost as the 'bunkhouse'. 

Tomorrow is forecast to be better weather so the plan is to head to Fort William (or further if Pete can get the guys out of their room and on the road early enough). 

Scotland is big and wet!  Very wet!

1 comment:

  1. Trudy, Bob & Karl, Only just found out about your trip from Matt. What and amzing thing to do. Hope your enjoying it and not feeling to tired. Just a few days to go. If your feeling up to in the mountain bike down hill course in Fort Williamn has just openned!if you need a few more miles!

    Good luck
