Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day Three - Okehampton to Edington

Our route for day three can be found here

We have also started to upload some pictures to our LEJOG gallery at http://gallery.me.com/pete.nichols Gallery

For those of you wondering why there are pictures of pints of beer every now and then, Pete's alternative LEJOG is to sample a local pint from each county which our route passes through!

The day started with a much needed cooked breakfast in "Woody's Diner", located along the road from the Travel Lodge we were staying at in Okehampton. By permission of the staff there, we were allowed to bring our bikes into the room with us.

A puncture-free day, however, Karl and Trudy were starting to suffer with a twinge in their knee. Thanks to the ibuprofen and pain relief gel, we managed to complete the day's route successfully. 76.63 miles were logged today, and a total ascent of 2337 feet - no wonder we felt more human this evening compared to the last two days! Conclusion: Somerset is much, much flatter than Cornwall and Devon!

We must now be getting nearer to Bristol - the road surface doesn't match up to what we've experienced during the last two days! It's amazing what the human body will endure from the white knuckle vibrations travelling up through the handlebars and saddle.

The technology today is amazing - wherever we are, our support vehicle seems to just appear, even when we go 'off road' to follow canal tow paths... There's no escape!

Our hosts tonight are Karl and his wife Liz - we are staying at their home in Edington. Top marks for our dinner tonight Liz, thank you very much! Also, thank you to Keira for the entertainment (age 20 months!) and Karl for his home-made beverages!

We have a long day tomorrow, crossing two magnificent bridges, Avon and Severn.

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